Thomas McCarthy’s I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You Progress Report

A Report by Cast Member Thomas McCarthy

This show, created by The Good Room, an Australian performing arts company, is all about questioning the fabric of reality (obviously that is a joke, I think) and the regrets of adults from all over the world!

An ensemble of 18 young people (9-13) to undertake the performance, featuring, action, some form of humour, piña coladas, a sandwich, opinions, life stories and DANCE!

Some of the scenes are quite unique, such as what does the boys bathroom look like or a story about the perfect sandwich.

The crew has been hard at work perfecting all areas of the show, such as the dance, the kids have been encouraged to add their own unique flavour and style to the dance as well as have fun with the structured dance.

One of the dances is called “The Spongebob” . It looks like something from irish dancing.

The cast has been having alot of fun (maybe a little too much) and can’t wait for the performances on the 6, 7 and 8 of August.

The questions within I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You were all asked by kids before being answered by adults via the website, meaning you could hear your words onstage during the performance!

Random Fun Facts and Trivia from Behind the Scenes!

The music is a mishmash (not in a bad way) of great music that you’ll be able to easily recognise and hum along to as well as enjoy (if you want) because most of the songs chosen were the favorite songs of other ‘adults’!

The dancing is full of cool, great, trending and embarrassing moves such as, The Worm, The Running Man, The Floss and many more, try to name them all!

During the show there’ll only be kids on stage! There will be no ‘adults’ assisting them (apart from the stage director) while the show is on!

One of the scenes about regrets will be about bullies and will be nonsensical and needlessly violent.

One of the sections will have one girl screaming “Pina Coladas”!

Throughout the show one kid will be giving out life advice as well as saying “Clothes with pockets” at some point.

During rehearsal two of the girls communicated with one another via texting despite being less than 20m away from one another.

During production one of the kids wrote parts of a radio play he created named Earth vs Earth.