NT Artist, Visual Arts Northern Territory


A story of metal from the east
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Presented by Salon Art Projects in association with Northern Centre for Contemporary Art and Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre

Hit by shotguns, burnt by dry season fires, rusted by monsoonal rain – discarded signs litter Territory roadsides. The power of the rules and warnings they once shouted have faded like their glossy reflective paint. A group of seven Yolŋu artists from Yirrkala have come to rescue, recycle and rework these battered warriors in new ways.

Murrŋiny is the Yolŋu word for steel. It is also the name by which this nation was known by its neighbours and the first Europeans who encountered them. This name references the shovel-nosed spears made here since pre-Cook times. With this exhibition old signs are new again.

  • Image Wanapati Yunupiŋu working on Found Street Sign.

  • Photo: David Wickens, courtesy Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre

NCCA is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts and the Northern Territory Government through Arts NT.

NCCA is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.

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